Third Quarter Roadmap

Docker & K8S (Coming in July)

When I first joined the company, my initial task was to set up a Kubernetes (K8S) cluster for the company’s services. It was a challenging, demanding, and exhausting experience, but ultimately very rewarding. I will share the details of what I accomplished and provide a guide on how to do it.

Topics will include EKS, Autoscaler, EFS, PV, Target Groups, IRSA, and more.

These posts will be published in July.

Some Tricky Javascript (Coming on July 8th and 9th)

There are challenging syntaxes in Javascript:

  • Try-Catch
  • Label
  • Closure
  • Iterator, Generator

These posts will be publised in July 8th and 9th.

LeetCode Top Interview 150 (Coming In July and August)

I will post solution in golang and python.

I will try to include detailed explanations, but some reference may be added.

If these Problem Solving Posts are completed earlier than expected, I will also post solutions for Leetcode 75.

Golang, Echo and Sqlboiler (Coming In August and September)

I will post summaries and detailed explanations of Golang based on official documentation. Descriptions and examples of the backend libraries Echo and Sqlboiler will also be included.

I had touch time learning these tech stacks. Golang is stronly typed language, and its supporting libraries, like Echo and Sqlboiler, have limited explanations available. I hope my posts help you on your journey to learning these stacks.

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